Telegram’s billionaire founder Pavel Durov took his 57 million subscribers on the app by his latest post cum confession stating that he could have fathered over 100 biological kids. He asks in his post how this is even possible when he has never been married and lives like a hermit.
In his startling revelation, Pavel wrote that it all began 15 years back when one of his friends approached him with “a weird request.” Pavel’s distressed friend and wife couldn’t bear a child owing to fertility issues, hence the request for sperm donation. The Russian billionaire entrepreneur was taken aback. He says, “I laughed my ass off before realizing that he was dead serious.” Pavel further states that the local clinic’s boss lamented the lack of “high-quality donor material.” With a little more persuasion about how this would enrich the lives of couples, Pavel started his Vicky Donor era for a while. In his Telegram post, he mentions that while he has stopped the activity, his sperm donations have helped more than 100 couples in 12 countries blessed with kids. He further claims that at least one of the IVF clinics still has his frozen sperm available.
Pavel Durov announced in the same post that he is planning to open source his DNA so that his biological children might be able to track each other easily. While there are risks, he admits, “I don’t regret having been a donor.”
The shortage of healthy sperm has become an increasingly serious issue worldwide, and I’m proud that I did my part to help alleviate it. I also want to help destigmatize the whole notion of sperm donation and incentivize more healthy men to do it, so that families struggling to have kids can enjoy more options. Defy convention – redefine the norm,” he wrote on Telegram.”
Since being shared, his post has been viewed by over 1.8 million people. A screengrab of his post was shared on X (formerly Twitter) where many people had different reactions to it.
“Tech CEOs’ new hubristic hobby seems to be competing on number of offsprings they can claim – without ever loving them or being in their lives,” said a user.
Another added, “The funniest part is that, there are still some of his sperm donation left and preserved in one of the facilities.”
This is what happens when you “donate” your sperm to IVF clinics. I don’t see how this can be spun as a win,” added a third.