Wosila Ugwu, an Igbo Muslim girl, has captivated the Muslim community with her Quran recitations.
Siraj Ugwu, tweeting under the handle #siraj_ugwu, shared a video of Wosila’s recital on X.com, exclaiming, “This is our daughter, Wosila Ugwu, my elder brother’s pride. We celebrate her as she fills our hearts with her beautiful Qur’an recitation.”
In response to the video, Hamlad, tweeting as #hamoye4real, wrote, “Allahu Akbar, BaarakaLlah feek, this is beautiful. Achieving such a level of recitation in Igbo land is a remarkable feat. May Almighty bless your knowledge and your parents.”
On X.com, Ab’ Ahmad, tweeting anonymously as #hamzee14, wrote, “Allahu Akbar, may Allah bless you with a retentive memory, may the Quran intercede for you on the day of judgment.”
Santana_kebab, identifying as #Santanakebabs on X.com, remarked, “Indeed, Islam transcends tribe and regional barriers. No one is closer to Allah except for those who possess taqwa.”
Olatunde, known as #OneNaijaPatriot on X.com, prayed for her, saying, “This is a beautiful sight to behold. May Allah increase her imaan.”
Anne, tweeting as #Anne78394061, noted with delight that Nigerians are excelling in Quran recitation.