Nollywood actor Uche Maduagwu, has claimed that he was paid N3 million to lie that Mohbad’s wife had a hand in the demise of the artist.
Uche Maduagwu recounted how he was paid to propagate a tale alleging that the late Mohbad’s widow had done a DNA test and had something to do with her husband’s death.
On September 15, a group of people approached the actor and offered him 3 million naira in exchange for spreading the myth that Mohbad’s wife was engaged in the singer’s termination and for him to demand that the late singer’s wife submit to a DNA test.
Uche Maduagwu stated he quickly declined the mysterious people’s offer of 3 million naira because he was never a friend or family member of the late Mohbad to lodge such accusations against.
He came to the conclusion that the same persons who paid him three million naira approached other online personalities to spread the fake narrative of Mohbad’s wife being a key suspect and seeking a DNA test.