Two young siblings tragically perished in a fire that consumed their apartment on Church Street, Oluwatuyi Quarters, Akure, the capital of Ondo State. The children, ages three and five, were left locked in the room by their mother, who had gone out to buy food when the fire broke out around 3:30 p.m.
Reports indicate that the fire quickly spread throughout the apartment, but neighbors were unaware that the children were inside until it was too late. A tenant, speaking anonymously, mentioned that the children’s cries were initially mistaken for routine disciplinary sounds from their mother.
The bodies of the children were found at the apartment’s entrance after the fire was extinguished. Police from the ‘B’ Division in Akure later removed the remains. Upon hearing the devastating news, the father reportedly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital.
Confirming the incident, police spokesperson CSP Funmilayo Odunlami-Omisanya revealed that the children died from suffocation and burns.