The Ogun State Police Command is working to reunite three young siblings with their family after they were found wandering the streets in Abeokuta on December 27, 2024. The children were spotted by a Good Samaritan, Junaid Oluwakemi, while she was at her office at the Vehicle Inspection Office (VIO) in Kotopo.
Noticing the children aimlessly wandering without a clear destination, Oluwakemi approached them. When questioned, the children were unable to provide adequate information about their whereabouts or their family. Concerned for their safety, she promptly escorted them to the nearest police station at approximately 1:04 PM.
The children, identified as siblings, are Adenekan David, a 7-year-old boy; Adenekan Opeyemi Aje, a 4-year-old girl; and Adenekan Ayisa, a 2-year-old girl. They are currently under the care of the Anti-Crime section of the police, which has launched an investigation and is working diligently to locate their parents.
The Ogun State Police Command is urging members of the public with any relevant information about the children’s family or their whereabouts to come forward and assist in the reunification process.