1: Micheal Jackson was only 6yrs old when he started his music career
2:Micheal Jackson was a big spider man fan and tried to buy Marvel Comics
3:He holds the award for the most ever received Grammys by an artist in a single night
4:Michael Jackson is the highest selling d.ead artist in the world
5:First entertainer to earn more than $100m in a single year
6:Micheal Jackson was and is considered the greatest entertainer of all time
7:His believed to have been involved in the biggest ill:umi:nati cu:lt
8:Michael Jackson changed his name legally from Michael Joe Jackson to Micheal Joseph Jackson . He did so because his father went by the name Joe Jackson
9:Michael Jackson bleached his skin because he was scared of being dis:criminated and l:ied it was due to a kind of skin condition that pills off one’s melanin
10:Michael Jackson’s hair briefly caught fire during filming for the Pepsi commercial. “All his hair was gone and there was smoke coming out of his head.” Faye said that Jackson said that he continued dancing because, “I can’t disappoint the audience.” He co:llapsed and was taken to hospital.
11:Michael Jackson d:ied of mansla:ughter by his doctor Conrad Murray who spent two years in j:ail for putting him on an over:dose of anesthesia
12:Michael Jackson’s last words before dy:ing was a repeated request for milk (pro:pofol)
13:Michael was cremated and his ashes were scattered all over Neverland Ranch. Nothing is written on his ‘g:rave’, not even his name and surname. Even his mother Mrs Jackson stated ‘My son’s g:rave is empty’. Michael was cremated because his mother was afraid that obsessed fans would open the g:rave and steal Michael’s body