On Tuesday, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the All Progressives Congress (APC) appeared before the Presidential Election Petition Court in Abuja to respond to the Peoples Democratic Party’s motion for “an order directing the Court’s Registry and the parties on modalities for admission of media practitioners and their equipment into the courtroom.”
Chris Uche SAN, the PDP’s counsel, informed the court that he filed his pre-hearing information sheet on April 27 and has adopted the replies contained therein.
However, he requested an urgent ruling on his motion for live transmission dated May 5, saying that he had served all respondents but had yet to receive their reply.
“We urge the court to permit the televising of the proceedings, especially at this critical moment in the nation,” Mr Uche pleaded.
However, INEC’s lawyer, Abubakar Mahmoud SAN, responded in open court to Mr Uche, stating he would only answer after speaking with his client.
“We will, of course, be needing time to respond, we were served yesterday, we need to take instructions from our client and respond appropriately,” he said.
Chief Tomi Aliyu SAN, who represented Bola Tinubu, said he was planning to answer the case in accordance with the court’s guidelines.
Aside from that, he requested the court to dismiss or strike down the PDP’s plea.