A secondary school girl in Guyana, who allegedly caused the death of 19 of her schoolmates when she set the dormitory of the Mahdia Secondary School ablaze last Saturday, will be charged with murder.
Head of the Criminal Investigations Department in Guyana Assistant Police Commissioner Wendell Blanhum said the department arrived at this decision following legal advice.
“Legal advice was obtained to charge the suspect with 19 counts of murder,” Head of the Criminal Investigations Department, Assistant Police Commissioner Wendell Blanhum said.
Earlier in the week, police had alleged that the girl who, government sources say was communicating with a man, started the fire after the dorm mother and a teacher seized her phone Saturday night.
The girl is older than 14 years old and would be charged as an adult, although Guyana’s juvenile law prohibits the naming of accused or convicted children.
DNA results of the unrecognized remains have since been returned, confirming their identities.
The bodies would be handed over to the families for burial and government has pledged its unlimited assistance to the families and survivors.
Credit: African and Caribbean moment