-Retired military personnel in Abuja barricaded the Ministry of Finance on Tuesday, demanding full payment of their long-overdue entitlements, including salary increments and other benefits.
-A similar protest occurred in December, during which the government paid 50% of the owed entitlements and promised to settle the remaining balance, but retirees claim the promise remains unfulfilled.
-The retirees are owed a 20% to 28% salary increase for 2024, Palliatives from October 2023 to November 2024, an additional N32,000 pension increase, Security Debarment Allowance, and a refund for pension deductions from medically boarded soldiers.
-Despite official approval for payment, the government has failed to settle the retirees’ full entitlements, citing a lack of funds.
-The retirees blocked the entrance to the Ministry of Finance by erecting canopies and chairs, preventing staff from entering the premises and forcing vehicles to park outside.