In a groundbreaking achievement, Bose Akinyemi, a renowned daughter of Ikere-Ekiti has been promoted to the esteemed rank of Commissioner of Police. This remarkable milestone not only brings pride to Ikere but also to the entire Ekiti State as Akinyemi becomes the first-ever female from Ekiti to hold this prestigious position.
Akinyemi’s promotion is a testament to her dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence in her career. Her achievement serves as an inspiration to women and girls in Ekiti State and beyond, demonstrating that with perseverance and determination, they can break barriers and reach great heights.
The people of Ikere-Ekiti and Ekiti State are celebrating this historic achievement and Akinyemi’s promotion is being hailed as a victory for women’s empowerment and representation in leadership positions. Congratulations to CP Bose Akinyemi on this remarkable achievement!