One of the complications of depression is that the depressed person starts to believe that he doesn’t deserve to feel good and so take it as an excuse for not help himself.
This in turn lets his depression become even more intense!! Depression usually happens as a result of losing hope in solving an important problem that the person is facing. The problem with a limiting belief such as “I don’t deserve happiness” is that it allows problems to accumulate even more and so add to the intensity of depression.
Did you ever try to challenge the belief of not deserving to be happy?
Couldn’t it be possible that you are a victim of a limiting belief that you have acquired?
Why did you accept such a belief without digging deep into its roots?
Do you deserve to be happy
Just take a look around you, there are lots of happy and successful people, are they all angels?
Of course they are not because in between those happy people there are liars, thieves, terrorists and even war criminals. Why do you think that all of those people are better than you??
If you don’t deserve to feel good or if your life has no meaning then you wouldn’t have been here after all. Even if my logic can’t help you challenge your own limiting beliefs try using your own logic to challenge them.
The one way to get rid of this belief is to keep challenging it until it weakens. Take a look at the people around and see if all the people who are feeling better than you deserve to feel so.
Watch the news and see what politicians do, read the newspaper and see what others do and if you found yourself the worst person who have ever existed then you may be right about not deserving happiness.
But if you found anything otherwise then know that you were fooled. You are just a victim of a limiting belief.
How limiting beliefs can ruin your life
The problem with limiting beliefs is that they provide an excuse that prevents the person who believes in them from feeling guilty.
Since guilt is a powerful emotion that can motivate a person the absence of it can ruin the person’s life without he even notices.
If you think that you don’t deserve happiness, that you can’t succeed or even that you are not a worthy person then you must take serious actions to combat your limiting beliefs.