A renowned Isoko highlife musician, Dr. Arube Otor, popularly known as “Isoko Fela,” married three women on Sunday in a grand ceremony held in Uzere, Isoko South Local Government Area, Delta State.
Isoko Fela revealed that he had already paid their bride prices and that they had been living together prior to the event, which he described as their marriage reception.
The musician, who already has nine children, expressed his desire to father 23 more children and marry two additional women before the end of hisDelta State highlife singer marries 3 wives in same day
A renowned Isoko highlife musician, Dr. Arube Otor, popularly known as “Isoko Fela,” married three women on Sunday in a grand ceremony held in Uzere, Isoko South Local Government Area, Delta State.
Isoko Fela revealed that he had already paid their bride prices and that they had been living together prior to the event, which he described as their marriage reception.
The musician, who already has nine children, expressed his desire to father 23 more children and marry two additional women before the end of his life. life.