-The All Progressives Congress (APC) spokesman, Felix Morka, accused former Anambra State governor Peter Obi of crossing the line with his criticism of President Bola Tinubu’s administration, claiming Obi was attempting to incite Nigerians against the government. Morka subtly hinted that Obi would face consequences for his actions.
-In retaliation, Yunusa Tanko, the National Coordinator of the Obidient Movement, condemned Morka’s statement as a threat and warned that any attempt to arrest Obi would lead to severe backlash from Nigerians. Tanko called for an investigation into Morka’s comments and affirmed their support for Obi’s right to critique the government.
-Obi himself responded on social media, questioning how his New Year message could lead to such a threat. He insisted that he would not be silenced and emphasized his commitment to speaking truth to power, criticizing the country’s drift towards authoritarianism.
-APC spokesperson Bala Ibrahim defended Morka, saying there was no threat in his statements, and expressed disappointment over the backlash from Obi’s supporters. Ibrahim urged Obi to call for civility in political discourse and avoid fueling animosity.
-When asked about the alleged threat to Obi and Morka’s lives, the Force spokesman, Muyiwa Adejobi, stated he was unaware of the situation and couldn’t comment on whether any threats had been made.