Nollywood actor, Ibrahim Chatta has congratulated his ex-wife, actress Olayinka Solomon, who is also the mother of his first son, on the arrival of her new baby with her husband, Olasunkanmi Mabinu Ori.
Ibrahim Chatta took to Instagram to share a photo of the new parents and express his gratitude to God for the gift of the child.
He also prayed for God’s protection and guidance for the child.
“AlhamduliLlah! It can only be HIM (Allah) as we receive This Bundle of Joy. Congratulations Dear BROTHER Mr Mabinuori @olasunkanmi_mabinuori and Moriamo Ă€sĂ bĂ @olayinkasolomon01 Oluwa A wo o, Oluwa A da si Oluwa A se ni Ogo Idile, Ogo Orilede, Ogo Agbaiye” the actor wrote.