-The Kogi State government, led by Governor Usman Ododo, spent approximately N398.8 million on an “intruders gate,” far exceeding the N100 million approved in the 2024 budget, with an unexplained overspend of N298.8 million.
-The government allocated N439.5 million in 2024 for the production of “customized staff of office” for graded chiefs, raising concerns amid ongoing economic hardship in the state.
-In nine months, N2.9 billion was spent on minor capital works and remodeling the government house, exceeding the combined budgeted amount of N1.06 billion by more than double.
-Various other government expenditures exceeded budget allocations, including renovations of legislators’ residences, SSG’s official residence, and the construction of a mosque and chapel, with costs surpassing budget limits by millions.
-These overspending patterns have drawn criticism, especially as residents of Kogi State face rising costs of living, hunger, and widespread economic challenges.