Gastritis… (any word ending with a suffix -itis means there’s an inflammation). Gastritis is the Inflammation of the stomach mucosa, the gut wall. It’s nor an ulcer
Chronic gastritis occurs when you start inflamming your gastric walls so often, a wound forms which is called an Ulcer, therefore An Ulcer is a wound
Ulcers can be caused by other things like food, drugs eg NSAIDS-ibuprofen, meloxicam,diclofenac etc
However the Hpylori induced ulcer, is caused by that bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori(Hpylori). There’s alot of misinformation on Ulcers and Hpylori.
You’ve all heard about Hyperacidity. This what your doctor tells you, that you have hyperacidity.
The stomach gastic juice contains Hydrochloric Acid HCl which is highly concentrated, it should be extremely concentrated, with the lowest pH so that it may protect you. Its one layer of immunity just like the skin and its protecting you from the organisms that are coming in with water and food. So those people who always suffer from recurrent Typhoid, amoebiasis, etc, you’ve messed up your stomach pH and have raised it to almost neutral or basic and this allows the bad causative bacteria to survive in your gut and therefore, you become sick.The stomach pH is supposed to be so low, simply highly concentrated, and the better for you.
Now the question comes up, that, you are saying the Stomach pH should be highly concentrated, will it not corrode the stomach walls?
-its actually supposed to protect your stomach wall from that acid.
-your stomach walls also produce bicarbonates and these bicarbonate are supposed to neutralize any stomach
-prostaglandins, helps you to protect the mucous membrane from the corrosion.
So when someone tells you, you are suffering from hyperacidity and then goes on to give you Omeprazole, Esomeprazole etc those Proton Pump Inhibitors so that you can recover from the hyper acidity, and then you end up exposing your gut to Bad bacteria, amoeba, brucellosis, typhoid because the pH has been raised from high concentration to Neautral almost basic.
Remember that when you concentrate stomach acid, you heal your inflammation and the acid will never hurt you.
So when you take those drugs daily, the ‘best’ you find in market, because your doctor said, don’t you see you are being fooled?
The role of The acid in the stomach just as we discussed earlier on are;
1. Kill bacteria and microorganisms that come in with food and water, eg Salmonella typhi causative bacteria for Typhoid, Brucellosis bacteria which causes Brucellosis, Entamoeba histolytica causing you intestinal amoebiasis.
2. The HCl helps you to digest proteins. So if you have issues with digestion when you take proteins, the problem begins here. You can not be on vegan diet, carbohydrates dense diet, mess up your gut walls and expect to digest meats. Therefore, give your Gut time to rest and concentrate the acid, so as to break down the proteins to Amino acids that can easily be absorbed by the body.
3. Tighten the Cardiac Sphincter or the Gastro-Esophageal sphincter. This sphincter is like a valve located just above the stomach from the esophagus. It’s role is to prevent food from going back to the esophagus. It’s the work of The Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to Tighten that sphincter so that food doesn’t go back. If your stomach pH is altered you start having issues like GERD(Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease), where food especially fats, spicy, etc starts going back to the esophagus causing you coughs and heartburn after meals, sometimes worse when you lie down.
Therefore there’s need to maintain the stomach pH as highly concentrated as possible. (When this happens, the doctor with give you the “antiacids” which will neutralise the acid, and this opens up your sphincter and food starts going back, you end up becoming a slave of the drugs because after every meal you have to swallow these drugs in fear, ‘the acid’ will start climbing up the oesophagus. The drugs sooth you for a short time)
4. Keep the Hpylori Bacteria in the stomach in check. The Hpylori is not a disease, its just a bacteria. We can’t get rid of them completely, because they come in with food. The Hpylori doesn’t love the Acidic environment. He survives In basic environment. Anytime you mess your stomach pH, you give them room to survive.
The Hpylori forms a temporary coat around themselves,burrows inside the stomach wall and hides there, when there’s acidic pH, awaiting the time that the pH will be messed up, he’ll come out of hiding, multiply very fast and cause you problems. While in the hiding, he’s harmless(note that). When you run a Hpylori test in most cases, it’ll turn positive because the organism is always there.
Now, you’ll be given a kit for 2 weeks, sometimes a month. Then continue with Omeprazole or esomeprazole for another 2 weeks. If you check the composition of these drugs, it’s antibiotics and will as well mess up with the pH even farther because it messes up with the stomach mucosa.
Alcohol as well messes up with your stomach walls, doesn’t matter the brand, whether changaa, gin, whiskey scotch, beers. Alcohol also shrinks your brain and your testicles, now you know😂
You know the next time you’ll be looking for Gaviscon to heal your Ulcers.
Something else to note that milk will not help you heal Ulcers. You don’t even have the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk. It even makes it worse because it’ll only mask the symptoms. Milk is for babies and calves. Don’t listen to the lie of Avoiding beans and Sukumawiki, drop that doctor very fast.
You cannot be having ulcers and be taking 5 meals per day, you’ll corrode those stomach walls due to the peristaltic movement as the food is being digested. You better give your stomach a break. 1 meal or 2 meals a day is enough for everyone
What to do.
Recovery process!.
1. Fast. At least 8hrs between meals, or even more will work. The hpylori bacteria will disappear because you’ll be concentrating the Stomach pH. On Prolonged periodic fasts, take water with a pinch of salt
2. Drop the inflammatory foods you are taking, wheat, seed oils, sugar in all forms including fruits and honey.
3. Drop those kits and the PPI, Those omeprazoles and Gaviscons and Ranitidines, etc, all drugs you are taking in the name of “antiacids”
4. Drop alcohol in all forms. (I know you’ll hate me)
5. Drop antibiotics you are taking, unless they are prescribed. Should be taken for 5-7 days on the maximum.. don’t keep changing brands in the name of Avoiding resistance, there’s nothing you are preventing
6. Drop those painkillers, analgesics you are taking NSAID, the ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam etc.
7. Ignore those products sold to you in the name of clearing the ulcer, the paw paw Juices etc etc you know them, while no one is telling you what caused you that ulcer.
8. Cook your own food, avoid restaurant foods because of seed oils, margarine, processed spices etc. , there’s alot of processed foods. Cooking a variety of foods for people in functions eg 4 versions of rice, white rice,brown rice, pilau, white chapati, brown chapati etc etc isn’t a measure of wealth, its just a health hazard awaiting.
9. The best detox for your body is fasting and Cabbage Juice. You can also take Fermented Cabbage because of pre and probiotics in them. Don’t be deceived to buy the antiacids and other processed drugs to heal from ulcers or to detox
10. Salt water is very essential in healing of ulcers.
11. Drop the protein shakes and energy drinks in the gym. (This still falls under point 2, because of Fructose which is sugar, found in the shakes, soda, fruits and honey)