A new study has found that saltwater nasal drops can shorten the duration of a child’s cold by up to two days.
Dr. Steve Cunningham, a professor of pediatric respiratory medicine at the University of Edinburgh, reported that children using saltwater drops experienced cold symptoms for an average of six days, compared to eight days for those receiving usual care. Additionally, the children who used the saltwater solution required fewer medications during their illness.
The research involved over 400 children aged six or younger, who were randomly assigned to receive either saltwater nasal drops or standard care for their cold.
The study revealed that saltwater drops not only sped up recovery but also reduced the likelihood of colds spreading to other family members. About 46% of families using saltwater drops had other members catch a cold, compared to 61% in families using usual care. The findings suggest that saltwater drops may enhance the respiratory system’s ability to fight off the virus by boosting the production of hypochlorous acid in nasal cells, which helps suppress viral replication. The study’s results will be presented at the European Respiratory Society’s annual meeting in Vienna.