Richard Mofe-Damijo (RMD), 63 the Nigerian actor has five children. One with his first wife May and 4 with his current wife Jumobi. Here’s a list of his children, including their ages and professions:
Kome Mofe-Damijo is RMD’s 31 years old son who popularly got married in a very lavish ceremony in 2013 at the Household of God Church, Oregun, Ikeja. His is a film maker and entrepreneur.
He and his wife Eniola met about 14 years ago prior to their wedding at Sunday school and remained friends over the years. Although they did not start a relationship until 2011, Kome tried to woo her when he was about 17, but Eniola’s dad shut him down and told him to focus on his studies.
After many years apart and out of the country, social media brought them together again. Kome started his chase again while Eniola was working in Manchester,U.K.,and after many failed attempts,and trips to and from Winnipeg,Canada, he was able to convince Eniola to give him a chance in 2011. They have been blessed with children.
Nichole is RMD’s first daughter. She is 27 years old, She famously attended the Obama Foundation Summit where she was handpicked by Barack Obama himself for a 10 minute meeting to talk about her life and work.
RMD’s younger son, is 25 years, a photographer and visual artist, Tega, is the Instagram socialite of the family. He constantly uploads very swavvy pictures on his social media and is definitely the ‘phone-presser’ of the family.
She is just 18 years of age and is the last born of the family. She is passionately loved both by RMD and his wife.
This is the eldest of all RMDs children, he is a successful entrepreneur about 36 years old. He is married to Irene and they have 2 kids together. Oghenekome is the only child from his first wife May, before he married his current wife Jumobi.