Moses Orimolade Tunolase was an itinerant faith healer and the co-founder of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church.
Born in 1879 in Ikare-Akoko, Orimolade suffered an illness that paralyzed his limbs shortly after his conversion to Christianity, confining him to bed for seven years. During this period of isolation, he found solace in reading the Bible and meditating on his future as an evangelist. Following his recovery, he spent five more years preaching before eventually settling in Lagos, where he established an Aladura movement.
Orimolade was credited with performing many miracles, including striking the ground with his staff, causing water to gush from the earth. He did this in two locations, Ifako and Ijoko, in Lagos and Ogun State, respectively, using the streams to heal and perform other miracles. He also planted a mysterious palm tree, reputed to have medicinal properties capable of curing various ailments.
Orimolade passed away on 19 October 1933. His body was later exhumed in 1975 and returned to his hometown of Ikare-Akoko. He never married nor fathered any children.
Hallelujah joooo!!!
Source: YorubaBlog