TAMI, the dynamic duo consisting of Toyosi and Dami, has become the first pair of housemates to be evicted from the Big Brother Naija house this season.
During Sunday’s live eviction show, they were voted out by their fellow housemates, who chose to send them packing.
Tami was initially nominated for eviction alongside Radicals, Streeze, and Chekas.
However, the Radicals were saved by the custodians, who exercised their power to select the “save only” box. This left Tami, Streeze, and Chekas vulnerable to eviction.
In the end, the housemates not up for eviction decided Tami’s fate, and Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, the show’s host, announced their eviction.
Toyosi and Dami’s departure marks the beginning of the elimination process in the Big Brother Naija house, leaving the remaining housemates to continue competing for the grand prize.