In 1923, a high-profile legal battle unfolded in Lagos involving Duro Delphonso, a prominent figure from the esteemed Delphonso family, who was accused of attempting to defraud an insurance company. The insurance firm enlisted the services of the energetic and skilled lawyer Moronfolu Abayomi as their representative.
As the case progressed, Abayomi successfully demonstrated that Delphonso had committed arson against his own property, including his home and business, to falsely claim insurance compensation.
On August 25th, 1923, as Delphonso was being escorted out of the Tinubu Court House to commence his prison sentence, he had smuggled a revolver into the courtroom. In a shocking turn of events, he shot Abayomi before turning the weapon on himself.
Abayomi succumbed to his injuries from severe blood loss while being transported to the hospital. An autopsy revealed that the bullet had penetrated his lungs.
Delphonso, after being hospitalized, declined medical treatment for his gunshot wounds and died on August 31st, 1923.
Moronfolu Abayomi was the first husband of Lady Oyinkan Abayomi. Their marriage, which was less than three months old at the time of his death, was tragically cut short. Seven years later, Lady Oyinkan married Dr. Kofoworola Abayomi.