By Abbati Bako,psc,bsis Kent alumni,UK’s European University
In political strategy the most important thing to do is to plan ahead of time. In Democratic system ‘timing’ is very fundamental for the fact that tenure after election is an imperative part of the game. Not only that, tenure is a Constitutional necessity in Democracy.
For example, by May 29, 2024 President Bola Tinibu spent 365 days in office out of his 1,460 days and he has the balance of 1,095 days. Or 12 months out of 48 months and the balance should be 36 months. Or on the other hand the President so far spent 8,760 hours out of 35,040 hours in office so far. Hence, time is flying very past and waiting for no one.
His Excellency President Bola Tinibu already made a lot of promises to fulfill for Nigerians. His slogan “Renewed Hope” is in the memories of Nigerians. And how far with the tag Renewable Hope so far? What and what among the promises so far made and fulfilled? What and what among the promises remain to be fulfilled?
What bothered Nigerians most in today’s life is the issue of securitization in all parts of the Nation, economic insecurity, corruptibility, food security, dilapidated roads, poor and sub-standar education, unemployment among the youths, sub-standar healthcare system and the reader can continue counting and counting!
*Democratic System—–
This writing is on the same page with expert on political economy Professor Paul Collier of the University of Oxford UK that any country’s citizens that cannot afford to get “5$” a day that country doesn’t deserve to practice Democracy. Chinese citizens already exceeded that amount (2009).
To analyze Collier’s point, meaning that economy is an imperative part of human life in any part of the globe. Hence, Democratic system cannot stand if there is economic precarity, aridity or meltdown. Human person is a symbol of economic activities. Anything that will affect his economic life that is what will frustrate his entire life and the life of his family.
Is Democracy resulting in happiness, economic development, security of want, security of food and peace of mind in Nigeria? But why are other economic emerging Nations of the Global South getting developed but Nigeria and other African countries are not?Â
In Nigeria where are the experts, intellectual, experienced, knowledgeable in various fields, professional in various fields as well as experts in international development? Why are Nigeria and other African countries backward? Last not the least; can Democratic system take Nigeria to promised land?
The answer is yes and yes and yes, again. Because there are many countries in the Global South (China, India, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, South Africa) that excellently developed their nations long ago. This is for the fact that they are lucky to have good, patriotic, dedicated, resilient, knowledgeable, accountable and political will to develop their Nations as excellently as possible. The world will not wait for Nigeria. Meaning that Democratic system can develop any nation based on who the leaders are, how they plan to develop their countries based on the rules and principles of Constitutional Democracy. Therefore, on Democratic system many countries have viable economic development even among the African nations and other Global South. Nigerian leadership must wake up and salvage the nation from doom.
Economic aridity or precariousness in a nation: a condition of existence without predictability or security, affecting material or psychological welfare——-
To be continued Insha’aAllah.