Ifa is the study of the movement of the forces.
Ifa is the beginning. Ifa is the spiritual energy that flow from heaven to earth. Ifa is made up of everything and all made to her, the existential element: Air ,Land, Water and Fire.
Ifa is a natural and not the dogman of a religion and when we break the rules of nature we break up to us. We must learn to identify the opposites. Winter and spring,Atctive and inactive, Positive and Nagative.
There’s no beginning without an end and there is no end without a beginning. the answer you seek to see will not be in the books. The answers,You will find them in the OPON IFA. This isn’t about what you will remember, This is about what you see.
The masculine force. the left leg of Odu positive. Nothing is very negative,ifa speaks to us of the balance sheet. if somebody is too cold to be heated. if somebody is too hot it’ll get cold. the right side of ifa represent the beginning of things. the left side of ifa represent the end of the event. the right side of ifa represent the future. the left side of ifa represent the past.