Except to hypocrites, it would be needless to say that Nigeria is facing more dire and worsening circumstances with respect to security and progress. Her problems, which can be summer up as intractable have now become irredeemable.
I would like to look at the growing insecurity in our country from a Clerical perspective
I do believe Nigeria is at a point in its history where it is approaching judgement; the Biblical tale of the unprofitable servant suffices. The initial red flags of economic and social decay have not gotten the attention of the people neither has it elicited the right responses to forestall such a judgement and so, like the Biblical _Pharaoh vs Moses_ encounter, the _plagues_ will be tougher and more terrible in the hope that a recalcitrant and highly corrupt nation like ours would repent. Unfortunately, I doubt if we will change or have the right kind of wisdom required to help alter our course from the impending doom. Like the exodus of the persecuted Jews from Egypt, those Nigerians who have refused to bow to corruption will find safety during the time of _war_ and the larger majority will likely face what happened in Rwanda that made sanity and peace out of insanity and chaos.
Nigeria as a nation should understand that beyond our pedestrian realities as humans, there is a larger divine order that judges human realms according to how well they have used their talents/opportunities and conquered challenges. If you ask yourself the pertinent question of “what has Nigeria contributed/created towards achieving global greatness?”, you would see that it (as an entity) has been an albatross in the way of the greatness of its people and may therefore need to be broken down into smaller nations in the hope that the people might get be saved from destruction.
I must say that it’s a non workable arrangement to have a nation created and operated like Nigeria is. It’s asinine (if I may say) to expect it to work or be great.
Wisdom isn’t profitable in Nigeria else we would (as a country) have realized that the continual management of Nigeria as a block entity is unworkable. Nations develop by competition and so I ask, “what are Nigerians from different regions competing against each other for, except the opportunity to be the one to hold the bag of money like Judas?” _Atenujeistic oleism_ (Shameless stealing) has become a national value and the more criminal you are, the more likely you’ll have the law on your side.
I don’t shy away from saying the truth; NIGERIA is an unworkable idea.