1.Right recipe
2.Deep frying
3.Continuous stirring
4. Remove when slightly brown
5. Don’t cut dough immediately after mixing allow to rest before cutting.
6. keeping your dough in fridge for a while to rest before frying make it very crunchy too.
7. Do not use local(under processed ) oil for frying, it will go rancid in few days and affect the flavor and taste of the chin chin.
8. If you don’t have a fridge or freezer,use very cold water to mix.
9. Use powdered milk instead of liquid milk. It give it more flavour.
10. Try using a bit of cinnamon when mixing, you’ll love the taste.
11. Add one or two tbsp of cornflour to the chinchin before mixing. this makes it crunchy.
12. Pamper your dough when mixing. Do not overknead. I mix mine like meatpie.
13. Use minimal amount of flour when rolling and cutting to prevent hard chin chin.
14. Do not overcrowd your pan while frying.
15. Cool and keep in air tight container.