The Inspector-General of Police, Olukayode Egbetokun, has launched the Special Intervention Squad in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to address the activities of kidnappers and bandits, particularly in border towns within the territory.
The squad will focus on patrolling and securing communities along the FCT borders, intervening to prevent and mitigate violent attacks in the capital.
This initiative follows the Nigeria Police Force’s late 2023 announcement of deploying 40,000 operatives of the Special Intervention Squad, initially in Katsina and nine other states, including the FCT.
The proposed commanders for the squad will undergo training in Mexico, with the deployment to the selected states serving as a pilot for the squad’s activities.
The establishment of the Special Intervention Squad was declared by the Inspector-General of Police, Olukayode Egbetokun, as part of his administration’s efforts to combat violent crime threats in the country.
The IG mentioned that the deployment to the 10 pilot states is based on a recent assessment of violent crime in the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, with plans to extend to the remaining 27 states.