Marries triplet sisters on the same day, wedding photos emerge online
A 32-year-old Congolese man, identified as Luwizo, has finally tied knot with triplet sisters and their wedding photos are circulating online.
In an interview with Afrimax, Luwizo met one of the triplet called Natalie via Facebook, fell in love with her, then decided to see her in person. That’s when he discovered she had two sisters, Nadege and Natasha, who looked like his sweetheart.
In his own words, “I was so surprised, I almost fainted.” Its Like Am Dreaming! See the person I love in 3 copies”. Since the triplets were so close and inseparable, they chose to marry the same man.
Asking how they handled the situation, one of the triplets replied, “When we told him he had to marry all 3 of us, he was shocked but he ended up saying yes.”
Unfortunately Luwizo’s parents didn’t approve of this marriage and didn’t turn up for the ceremony. That hasn’t stopped him from continuing his momentum.
He said, “It takes losing something to gain another. Furthermore, everyone has their own preferences and way of doing things. So I’m happy I married the triplets no matter what anyone thinks. My parents despised my decision that’s why they didn’t attend my wedding. But all I can say is, love has no limits”.
The post triggered massive reactions as commenters thronged to comment section to share their thoughts.
Some reactions are shown below:
Ginikanwa Sarah Ubanwa said, “God have mercy”.
Charitable Christabel said, “So wonderful!”.
Johnson Chukwudi said, “You are so lucky how I wish I’m the one”.
Bobo Ikey said, “Congratulation. Enjoy yourself”.
Jeff Smith said, “That’s awesome! Congratulations!”.
Oroma Morris said, “Lucky for ue ma dude .”
Somma Rella said, “Congratulations to them!😂😂 May the triplets not become separate able in the marriage because of sharing one man…😂💔”.
Najimu Olubalgun said, “That’s awesome! Congratulations!”