• 2 quarts dandelion flowers
• 1 gallon filtered water
• Zest and juice from 3 medium lemons
• Zest and juice from 3 medium oranges
• 1 1/2 pounds granulated sugar
• 3/4 pound golden raisins, chopped
• 1 teaspoon yeast nutrient or 2 tablespoons cornmeal
• 1 (5-gram) packet wine yeast or 1/2 teaspoon baking yeast
• Optional: 1 cup simple syrup
1. Snip off most of the calyxes (green parts) from the base of flowers and all of the stems. It’s OK if a little of the green goes in, but too much will result in a bitter wine.
2. Put trimmed petals in a nonreactive vessel (no aluminum, copper, or iron).
3. Bring water to a boil and pour over flower petals. Let mixture sit for 2 hours.
4. Place a colander lined with cheesecloth over a large, nonreactive pot and strain dandelions, pressing gently on the flowers to extract as much of the liquid as possible. Compost or discard dandelion petals.
5. Place pot over high heat and bring strained dandelion infusion to a boil.
6. Stir in citrus juices and sugar, mixing to dissolve sugar.
7. Add lemon and orange zest and chopped raisins. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
8. When mixture has cooled to room temperature, stir in yeast nutrient or cornmeal and wine or baking yeast.
9. Cover and leave at room temperature for 10 to 14 days, stirring 3 times each day.
10. Strain into a sanitized 1-gallon jug and seal with either a fermentation lock (available from online homebrewing and winemaking supplies) or a balloon with a single pinprick in it. The pinprick allows gasses to escape during active fermentation, but the balloon still keeps detrimental bacteria out.
11. After 3 weeks, carefully pour the liquid into another sanitized jug, leaving behind any yeasty sediment.
12. If there is more than 2 inches between the top of the wine and the rim of the bottle, top off with a simple syrup of equal parts sugar and water.
13. When wine is clear, rather than cloudy, wait 30 more days and then carefully pour it into another jug, leaving behind any yeasty sediment on the bottom. Refit with an airlock or pricked balloon.
14. Repeat this procedure every 3 months for 9 total months until almost no sediment is forming on the bottom of the jug anymore.
15. Funnel into sanitized bottles and cork bottles.
16. Age for another year before drinking.
Although this process is time consuming, it is a great way to use the dandelion blooms!! Remember to gather your blossoms from areas free of pesticides and chemicals. Happy foraging!!